Mr Senator
You started your hearing about Tax Haven Banks by opposing American values like freedom and democracy to Swiss bank secrecy. I presume that a US senator is not a stupid man, otherwise I wouldn’t write to you. But your statement shows, that you are not informed about Switzerland. For this reason I venture to explain you some of our Swiss values. Switzerland stands for democracy, civil rights, individual rights, civism and freedom. We don’t speak about, but we exercise these values.
We don’t attack other countries, we don’t extort by force information from other countries or institutions or companies. We don’t use our power to tyrannize others and we respect the Laws of other countries. We are a small country, which could be example for a lot of others, specially for US government. People in Switzerland have all the same rights, and we don’t make any difference between our citizens and visitors in our country. In our country the political power belongs to the citizens, therefore they are respected, have right of data protection and have all medical protection and pension fund. Our political will is the expression from the citizens not from the government. Democracy respects minorities and by the same way other nations, even if they are smaller than USA.
Swiss people believed in US economy and trusted to US institutions. Therefore they took a big share of the world contribution in financing US deficits. By doing this, we lost a lot of money, which we invested in your country. A lot of money was lost by fraud, committed by US institutions and citizens. Only for this reason, time has come, that US authorities apologize for these cheating, which seem to be usual in your country.
US business policy had also corrupted several of our greedy bankers, which forgot our Swiss values by following blindly the US proceedings. When these people tried to earn more money by attracting US money, they always had on the other part a US citizen, which wanted to hide money. The very question is not the Swiss bank secrecy, but why US citizens don’t trust to their government.
Swiss bank secrecy was established to protect Jewish people from Nazi persecution. I think specially you should be thankful for this.
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